Michael Harner calls it 'sonic driving' or 'sonic drumming' but all this means is that you utilize a repetitave rhythm, set between 180 and 220 bpm's, and your mind reacts in a certain way, forcing you right into a consciousness shift. And there's no need for intoxicants, or fasting, or flagellation.
Use these recordings freely to unlock the mysterious skull and peer within its contents; seek out the disparate consciousnesses of others and interlock in a synergistic merge; frolic with multi-dimensional beings who bear messages of the way time works; float through clouds of the disincarnated energies of loved ones who've gone on; use it for you, because you're the one who is in control of your destiny, so take the reins and shake off the lethargy you exist in, and peer deeply into who you are and how you connect to the spiderweb. We seem to be strung together like a long strand of Christmas lights, flickering ever so weakly as the current passes through us. May we ignite the torches and feel a massive surge of electricity come through our psychic wiring and we can all unite in the fight against the Big Con. Please share any experiences or magical happenings from meditating to these recordings, either here or through my email: organgarden@gmail.com

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