I'm catching on to the BIG CON, all in capital letters.
It makes me feel like I'm onto something big, something huge, something that will finally illuminate the once dark and murky and propel humans through the next evolutionary phase, which will be marked with the onset of almost exclusively telepathic communication.
We will no longer have language to isolate us from each other, there will be no more misunderstanding intentions or unspoken pains, there will open and clear lines of communication, at once traveling down some sort of psychic FIOS connection, the transmission of not clumsy words but honest, true feeling. And feelings cannot be misunderstood in the realm of telepathic communication.
Imagine having no more hang-ups or secret fears or inner esteem issues because everyone you came in contact with could see right through you in an instant as if you were made of glass, and they were free to peruse your memory banks and you could do the same, as well, to them. I think this phase of evolution will lead to more hive/collectivist thinking modules, individuals bound by telepathic tapestry. Others will hide in fear, until they too are found out and explored.
There will be no need for words, only an even exchange. We are bound to make this breakthrough, but there always seems to be some sort of psychic barrier, some obstacle that prevents the mass of humankind to make this progression.
That's the Con, and they are grifting us, through many many methods and devices and signal jammers that force us into their personalized prisons.

We serve time there, life sentences in fact, never knowing we didn't have to remain caged. We could run free, through our dreams in bare feet straight through to the daybreak, through a sleeping world burdened with a blanket of ash covering the civilization. And we make for the edges of the water, away from that cold place, to somewhere more natural.
We are stuck in a mire here, not going any farther. We built words to help us share a common meaning, but those descriptions ricocheted back and stuck in us like jagged projectiles, leaving us labeled and limited by our imaginations and vocabularies.
But we are meant for this leap, and I believe this to be so as seen by the subjective evidence of alien abduction survivors, who speak of psychic probing, but also those beings multidimensional and shapeless, who share their joy and childlike delight out there in the playgrounds of the mind, out there in space somewhere, or maybe just a dimension next door to us. They are all us, in that we share genetic code with these entities, and perhaps what we are dealing with is the possibility that someone in the distant lifespan of the universe discovered the ability to travel backwards and forewords on the tracks that every life seems to be propelled along on, to move sideways in a world full of up and down.
They all communicate straight into your head, and everything is on display. What they do while they're in there is up to them.

Apparently, there is a choice to be made somewhere along the line, some stop before oblivion, before we fall out the back of the train and end up gravel. The choice is mass telepathic convergence, and soon, if we wish to live through a dying machine's final standoff against us, against the slaves who created this crumbling thing.
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